Manga of the Dead

Associated Names:
Direction: Right(→) to Left(←)
Author: Anthology, FUKAO Atsushi, HIROE Rei, HIROMOTO Sinichi, HOKAZONO Masaya, KINO Hitoshi, KOIZUMI Tomohiro, MATSUMOTO Jiro, SAMURA Hiroaki, SHIMADA Toranosuke, TAJIMA Sho-u, TERADA Katsuya, UGUISU Sachiko
Artist: Anthology
Release: 2012

A collection of eight Zombie related oneshots by several authors. And I Love Her by Katsuya Terada Dead and Fail to Die by Hitoshi Kino Children Living with Corpses by Uguisu Sachiko Zombie by Shimada Toranosuke Forest of Spirits by Hokazono Masaya Zombie Boy by Hiromoto Shinichi Fight of of the Living Dead by Koizumi Tomohiro Organic Human Solution Organogel by Fukao Atsushi Includes illustrations by Hiroe Rei (Black Lagoon), Samura Hiroaki (Blade of the Immortal) and Matsumoto Jiro (Freesia)