Baikoku Kikan

Associated Names: The queen of the opera, Treason Agency
Status: ON-GOING
Direction: Right(→) to Left(←)
Author: Carlo Zen
Artist: Shina Yoshinao
Release: 2018

In the mid twentieth century, a little republic ended up stuck between a kingdom and a realm - both of whom needed to control the republic to suit their own particular needs. Keeping in mind the end goal to shield itself from the two sides of the contention, the republic made a little gathering of warriors whose activity it is to stifle upheaval and contradiction in any capacity conceivable. This is the narrative of the Opera House.

Title Timeline
Chapter 1 2018/08/07
Chapter 2 2019/06/03
Chapter 3 2019/06/03
Chapter 4 2019/07/14
Chapter 5 2019/11/01
Chapter 6 2020/07/25
Chapter 7 2020/07/27
Chapter 8 2020/08/05
Chapter 9 2020/10/11
Chapter 10 2020/11/29
Chapter 11 2021/01/26
Chapter 12 2022/05/08
Chapter 12e 2022/07/10
Chapter 13 2022/12/29
Chapter 14 2023/05/20
Chapter 15 2023/09/16