Akira to Hiyori

Associated Names: ???????, Akira and Hiyori
Status: ON-GOING
Direction: Right(→) to Left(←)
Author: Kirihara, Izumi (Story & Art)
Release: 2009

Akira Azuma is a tall, attractive, but aloof Kusunoki High School freshman girl and all-around athlete. Hiyori Motohashi is a short Kusunoki freshman girl in the school s broadcasting club. While trying to set up coverage on Akira, Hiyori finds herself attracted to Akira s mysterious charm.

Title Timeline
Chapter 1 2009/12/10
Chapter 2 2009/12/10
Chapter 3 - 3 2009/12/10
Chapter 4 - 4 2009/12/10
Chapter 5 - 5 2010/01/09
Chapter 6 - Fight!! 2010/02/05
Chapter 7 - Intense Stare 2010/08/05
Chapter 8 - So Close, Yet So Far Away 2010/08/05
Chapter 9 2025/01/31
Chapter 10 2025/01/31
Chapter 11 2025/02/01
Chapter 12 2025/02/02
Chapter 13 2025/02/03
Chapter 13e 2025/02/03