Negai o Kanaete Moraou to Akuma o Shoukan Shita Kedo, Kawaikatta node Kekkon Shimashita - Akuma no Niidzuma
Associated Names: Negai wo Kanaete Moraou to Akuma wo Shoukan Shitakedo, Kawaikattanode Kekkonshimashita ~ Akuma no Niidzuma ~, I Summoned the Devil to Grant Me a Wish, but I Married Her Instead Since She Was Adorable ~My New Devil Wife~, Akuma no Niizuma Conjuré al diablo para que me cumpliera un deseo, pero me casé con ella porque ella era adorable ~Mi nueva esposa diabólica~, Cô vợ ác quỷ, Invoqué al diablo para hacer realidad mi deseo, pero era muy hermosa, así que me casé con ella ~ Mi nueva esposa es el diablo ~, Mi nueva esposa diabólica, My New Devil Wife, Negai o Kanaete Moraou to Akuma o Shoukan Shita Kedo, Kawaikatta node Kekkon Shimashita - Akuma no Niizuma, Negai wo Kanaete Moraou to Akuma wo Shoukan Shita Kedo, Kawaikatta node Kekkon Shimashita - Akuma no Niidzuma, Negai wo Kanaete Moraou to Akuma wo Shoukan Shita Kedo, Kawaikatta node Kekkon Shimashita - Akuma no Niizuma, Tôi triệu hồi ác quỷ để thực hiện điều ước, nhưng tôi lại muốn cưới cô ấy vì cổ quá xinh đẹp ~ Cô vợ ác quỷ~, Моя новая жена Демонесса, Я вызвал демонессу, чтобы она исполнила мое желание, но вместо этого женился на ней, потому что она слишком очаровательна~ Моя новая жена Демонесса~, 恶魔新妻, 悪魔の新妻, 願いを叶えてもらおうと悪魔を召喚したけど、可愛かったので結婚しました~悪魔の新妻~
Status: ON-GOING
Direction: Right(→) to Left(←)
Author: Shiryu
Artist: TONARI Keru
Release: 2020
The young orphaned adventurer Theo Asper tried to get help from the devil for his career because he didn't have enough skills. The devil appears as a beautiful woman and offers to grant him one wish. He just falls in love at first sight because he is so captivated by her appearance. He says the first thing that comes to mind, which is that he wants to marry someone. She blushingly consents to his astounding interest and they happen to future experiences together.
Title | Timeline |
Chapter 1 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 2 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 3 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 4 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 5 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 5e | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 6 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 7 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 8 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 9 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 10 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 11 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 12 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 13 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 14 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 15 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 16 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 17 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 18 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 19 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 20 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 21 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 22 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 23 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 24 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 25 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 26 | 2023/05/22 |
Chapter 27 - Let's Exchange Blows! | 2023/07/30 |
Chapter 28 | 2023/12/31 |
Chapter 29 | 2023/12/31 |
Chapter 30 | 2024/06/21 |
Chapter 31 | 2024/06/27 |
Chapter 32 | 2024/10/02 |
Chapter 33 | 2024/10/07 |
Chapter 34 | 2024/10/23 |
Chapter 35 | 2024/11/09 |
Chapter 35e | 2024/11/12 |
Chapter 36 | 2024/12/06 |
Chapter 37 | 2025/01/15 |